
Wednesday 30 April 2014

Skincare Update!

All of my life I've suffered from small red bumps/spots on the backs of my arms. I've always been conscious of them and with summer coming up, this year I decided I'm going to do my very best to clear it up!

After scouring the internet I found out the condition is called keratosis pilaris, which is sometimes called chicken skin (I know, it sounds disgusting!)

After to-ing and fro-ing, looking at what solutions other people have found (if they have found something, it turns out it's quite difficult to treat) I settled on the Clinique Turnaround Body Smoothing Cream which quite a lot of people have recommended.

I'm so excited for it to arrive and to give it a try! My arms have been red and bumpy for literally as long as I can remember so the prospect of maybe getting rid of it is amazing!

I'll give it a week when it arrives and post an update on whether there's been any improvements!

Friday 11 April 2014

Just a quick post about the Boots Simply Sensitive Hydrating Eye Cream I picked up yesterday. I recently have decided to start taking care of my skin more seriously, and have noticed the skin under my eyes has become quite dry and sore. After finding this Boots eye cream I thought I would give it a try!

At the first application, the formulation appeared quite runny, but after applying to my under eyes it was instantly soothing and absorbed into my skin quickly, leaving the area smooth and instantly hydrated.

The cream comes in this handy little tube with a very thin applicator nozzle so you can dispense just a tiny bit of cream as that is all you need.

All in all, I've been using the cream for a couple of days now and can already tell a difference; the skin is still slightly dry and flaky but it seems to be doing it's job! As of this moment I would definitely recommend it to anyone thinking of using a light eye cream, especially as it's kind to sensitive skin like mine!

Laura xxx

Tuesday 8 April 2014

My favourite nail design... so far!

So ever since I started nail stamping around 6 months ago, I'm obsessed with trying new stamps, polishes and combinations.

I just thought I'd do a quick post and share with you my favourite design I've done so far...

These are my owl and heart nails, done using Rimmel Salon Pro in Peppermint (which I love!). I then stamped with Konad Special Polish in White with plate M89. When this was dry I stamped the owls and hearts with Konad Special Polish in Black, the owls are M95 and the hearts are M83.
Hope you like them as much as I do!
Laura xxx

Tiger Nails!

So I've been racking my brains to try and decide what to write my first real post about and so I thought I would share with you my nails at them moment and my reasons behind them.

So here are my tiger nails...

They're a little messy but I did them quickly in the dark! Most of the time I use my Konad nail stamping kit for my nails, hence my name Patterned and Polished! Nail stamping involves using an engraved metal plate, over which you paint on a layer of polish, you then scrape this off using the scraper (or an old credit card will do) to reveal the pattern. You then pick that up with a special stamper and apply to this nail! Next thing you know you have perfectly printed nails without spending time and the stress of painting them all individually! (If you're interested in nail stamping, take a look at my Instagram account, which I've linked at the top of my page, and you can see all my designs from over the past 6 months!)
Now to the reason behind my nails! Behind the girly, nail polish loving me, I LOVE football. In particular, I love my local team, Hull City AFC. I've supported them for as long as I can remember, got my first ever shirt when I was 3 and went to my first game at 5! I'm now almost 21 and a season ticket holder. If you don't know, Hull City are also known as the Tigers, hence the nails!
Anyway, I've come to regard my tiger nails as a bit of a lucky charm, so I always put the design on my nails whenever there's a big game; it worked last Saturday, we won!
I hope you've enjoyed my first real post and be sure to pop back for more if you did!
Laura xxx

First Blog Post!

So my Instagram account 'nailstampingaddict' is getting close to 500 followers so I thought I would branch out into the blogging world! On my blog I plan to branch out from just nails, with hair and make-up and just anything from my life that I thought might be interesting to share with you!

You'll have to bear with me whilst I get used to how this all works but hopefully I'll have some posts up and running in the next few days!

Laura xxx

Images by Freepik